Thursday, January 1, 2015

Th Unclaimed Shadow Chapter 1

His body was in overdrive. His heart was blasting blood into his arteries. His skin expelled water to draw away the excess heat created by his straining vessel. A thunderstorm raged in his mind. Electricity carried information that was collected through years of education. Carefully, he chose among the arbitrary sounds that humanity has agreed upon. He willed his lungs to eject air through his vocal chords as he adeptly played the strings to create vibrations that he then molded with his tongue and lips.


She smiled. She didn't just show her teeth out of courtesy or habit. She smiled and said, “Hey, what’s on your mind?”

He squirmed like a worm that hasn't come to terms with its mortality while it is being peppered with salt by a bored eight year old. He kept touching his face as if he was making sure that it was still there. He once spent an entire week locked up in his room with silence as his only friend. But now silence is torturing him with fire, which would explain all that sweat.

“Nothing much.” He said.

"Ok." She showed her teeth out of courtesy.

"The biggest cynics were once the most naive."

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