Monday, March 9, 2015

The Unclaimed Shadow Chapter 4

His heart was beating with the desperation of a drowning fish. A gush of emotions brought on by a bunch of colored electronic dots on a screen; how pitiful, he thought. And then expectation gave way to ecstasy. It was a message from her. She said, “Hey, I saw you at the party last night. You were pretty wasted… lol. So anyways, since we didn’t get to talk last night, I was wondering if we could meet up for some coffee today.”

Suddenly blood was no longer flowing in his veins. Someone replaced it with caffeine, methamphetamine, and jet fuel. His hands shook, not like leaves, but like the earth when it nonchalantly adjusts its plates. Ecstasy gave the stage to the malformed Siamese twins, fear and anxiety. How could he possibly pick the right words for his reply? It was like trying to find the four perfect drops of water amidst the cruel vastness of the ocean. Slowly, he typed, “S… u…r…e.”

He felt the tsunami coming, a massive wave of salt and water coming to engulf him and everyone in a five mile radius. Oh how he yearned to drown in her. But then, just as the wave was about to hit, a breakwater the size of God’s thumb suddenly manifested. The water crashed into it and within seconds, dissipated like sweat on his forehead. He pressed send. Anxiety introduced him to regret. And regret hit him immediately.

Sometimes the walls you build to defend yourself, end up trapping you.
(Sculpture by HairyAsHell)

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